BBI 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting
What: 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting
When: 5pm, Thursday, 25 November 2021
Where: The Cidery - 43 Gifford Road, Bridgetown
Our upcoming Annual General meeting will be specific to the operations of the immediate past financial year, 2020-2021, along with discussions regarding current and future operational plans.
This AGM will be conducted in November to allow sufficient time for finalisation of the 2020-2021 reporting requirements and related Independent Audits.
We welcome and encourage landholders to attend our AGMs, be a member and nominate for our management committee.
Commence or Renew Membership
Are you passionate about biosecurity and protecting our region from pests, both plant and animal? Landowners or nominees of landowners can become a member - Any landowner or nominee of a landowner of rated properties within our operational area are welcome to join as members of the BBI. If you wish to maintain or commence membership you must complete 2021-2022 Membership Form. To find out more, please click on the below link for to view our membership form.
Nominations for our Management Committee are Invited
If your passion is around governance and you have time to spare as a volunteer to support our services, perhaps you would be a great fit on a very dedicated committee to be involved in our work in support and collaboration with other community members toward protection of our region from declared pests, both plant and animal. We welcome your nomination. Note: You must be or become a BBI member to be eligible for nomination (You must have completed a 2021-2022 BBI Member Application Form (see above link). To find out more about our management committee and to access our nomination form, please click on the following link:
This will be the second of two Annual General Meetings conducted by BBI in 2021. For more information: Why Two Annual General Meetings?