Red Card Community Fox Shoot
Bridgetown-Greenbushes Community Fox Shoot 24th - 26th March
The weekend of our Bridgetown-Greenbushes Red Card Fox Shoot was relentlessly wet and windy and made the job very difficult. However, long hours, determination and a lot of skill resulted in the culling of 87 foxes, 16 rabbits and 3 feral pigs! A big thank you to all who participated and we look forward to seeing you again next year. Congratulations too on the effort from all participating teams to turn up to the Sunday tally and breakfast in spite of lack of sleep and a wet and chilly morning.
Outright points winners (300) and the greatest number of foxes (28) was the “Red Eye Eradicators” team of Clinton Best, Gary Waters, Lyndon Pearce, Travis Moore, Glen Blechynden and Morgan Price.

Second place on points (170) with 17 foxes was the team of Sam Rutten, Joel Giblett, James Bardot and Tom Wardel-Johnson, and third on 130 points was the busy duo of Justin Terry and Chris Robertson.
Thanks again to you all. Every feral animal culled makes a difference and I know that a lot of you continue the work at your own expense all year round.
If you are a landowner who would like some help in feral animal control from licensed and insured shooters, contact us:
Big thanks to our sponsors and helpers: DAFWA,Richefeeds Rural Suppliers, Blackwood Basin Group, Innerspace Constructions,Rylington Park, The Tassos Family, Martin McMaster, The Quality Shop Bridgetown Pottery Restaurant, Blackwood Shooting Suppliers, Silvafox Whistles.