Current Projects and Programmes
HOGGONE®: landowners/managers to take part in free HOGGONE® trial
Feral pigs cause serious agricultural and environmental damage and are a declared pest in our region. To reduce the feral pig population Blackwood Biosecurity Inc. (BBI) has commenced field trials of the HOGGONE® Feral Pig Control System. As a participant you will be supported with...

Annual weed management programme
Declared weeds are managed on a year round schedule that takes into account germination, flowering, fruiting and seed set. The weed management strategy can vary depending on the stage of growth of the plant, and one weed may be targeted several times a year accordingly...

Feral pig management baiting programme
Our approach is to promote the programme, conduct site visits, support landowners (encouraging neighbour involvement) in applying for permits and to carry out any pre-feeding process. This is followed by BBI undertaking the baiting via a professional contractor. We also collaborate with state and local government departments if they are the neighbouring landowners. In June/July 2023, our feral pig management programme has supported approximately 30 landholders to eradicate over 120 feral pigs within our region.