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Current Projects and Programmes
RHDV1 K5 rabbit control programme 

The annual K5 rabbit control programme will hopefully be starting at the end of December 2024 and would be subject to receiving the K5 vials. Watch this space for more information

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HOGGONE®: landowners/managers to take part in free HOGGONE® trial

Feral pigs cause serious agricultural and environmental damage and are a declared pest in our region. To reduce the feral pig population Blackwood Biosecurity Inc. (BBI) has commenced field trials of the HOGGONE® Feral Pig Control System. As a participant you will be supported with...

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Annual weed management programme

Declared weeds are managed on a year round schedule that takes into account germination, flowering, fruiting and seed set. The weed management strategy can vary depending on the stage of growth of the plant, and one weed may be targeted several times a year accordingly...

Feral pig management baiting programme

Our approach is to promote the programme, conduct site visits, support landowners (encouraging neighbour involvement) in applying for permits and to carry out any pre-feeding process. This is followed by BBI undertaking the baiting via a professional contractor.  We also collaborate with state and local government departments if they are the neighbouring landowners. In June/July 2023, our feral pig management programme has supported approximately 30 landholders to eradicate over 120 feral pigs within our region.

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What can we do for you?


  • Assist you with the identification of your Declared Pests

  • Work with you to consider your best control options

  • On-site and on-farm visits; trapping, baiting and spraying

  • Assist with developing strategic biosecurity management plans 

  • Provide access to best practice equipment, advice and training, subsidised chemicals, and control materials

  • Workshops, demonstrations, and field days

  • Free loan equipment

  • Advocate of your behalf with third parties regarding Declared Pest matters.


"The BBI Management Committee and staff acknowledge the Noongar People, the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and work and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.”

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Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm



PO Box 945, Bridgetown 6255










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