POKEWEED (Phytolacca americana)
Have you seen this plant?
Pokeweed - seeds, berries and leaves - is toxic to both humans and livestock and can contaminate agricultural produce. Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) is a relatively new weed for Western Australia and we need to stop its spread.
Let's work together to stop the spread of this weed in our area!
Report this plant, do not try to control it.
Pokeweed has now been found at Walpole, 180 kilometres from the Balingup location where it was first identified in Western Australia in December 2018.The plant has since been identified on several rural properties, including pine plantations, private property, government land and along roadsides. It also exists in Bridgetown. BBI is supporting a collaborative government and industry program to eradicate this weed.
Why Pokeweed Matters
All plant parts, especially the root, contain numerous saponins and oxalates and can be fatally toxic to humans and livestock when ingested raw or with improper preparation. Do not touch this plant. Birds are unaffected by the natural chemicals contained in the berries and eat them, spreading the seeds. Seeds can also be transported in soil. The plant also regrows from the thick central taproot after winter even if the above ground material is removed. Individual plants can live for several decades.
Help to eradicate this weed!
• Be aware of any new or unusual plants.
• Note the location of the plant (using a GPS if possible).
• Take photographs (leaves, flowers, fruit and whole plant).
• DO NOT collect seeds, berries or leaves as they are all poisonous.
Report sightings directly to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development:
Phone: (08) 9368 3080
Report online: mypestguide.agric.wa.gov.au
or using the MyPestGuideTM Reporter app
Email: padis@dpird.wa.gov.au

Help to eradicate this weed!
All parts of the Pokeweed plant are highly toxic, and seed is readily spread by birds and machinery if proper biosecurity practises aren’t observed.
Report ALL sightings of this plant!