BBI - TWO Upcoming "Annual General Meetings"
BBI will conduct two Annual General Meetings (AGM) this year for Governance Compliance, one specific to each of the past two financial...

Bridal Creeper Workshop at August Donnybrook Station Markets
Bridal Creeper Control Demonstrations & "Pop-Up" Workshop Saturday, 21 August at the Donnybrook Station Markets at the BBI/LBG Market...

Be Biosecure for this Season’s Farm Field Days
30July21 DPIRD Media Release “Field day organisers, farmers and visitors have a duty of care to reduce biosecurity risks and safeguard...

Cleavers ID & Control Workshop - 20th August, Kangaroo Gully
CLEAVERS (Galium aparine)
Also known as "Velcro Weed", "Sticky Weed" & "Bedstraw"