Blackberry Trials begin February, 2019.
Blackwood Biosecurity Officer Julie Chapman is currently leading Blackberry control trials with interested landholders. Julie is a weed...

New declared weed incursion: Pokeweed 13th December, 2018
Toxic to humans and livestock and able to contaminate agricultural produce, Pokeweed (Phytolacca american) was found in Balingup and...

New Incursion Declared Pest: house sparrow. 6th December, 2018.
BOYUP BROOK DECLARED PEST BIRD ALERT! A sharp eyed Boyup Brook businessman spotted what is suspected to be a house sparrow yesterday and...

Free 1080 Bait course & half price license, December 6th, 2018
All in one training and licensing for landholders looking to summer controls. The well attended workshop included demonstration of the...

Hot trapping period begins 10th October, 2018
We realise that for those of you who live in and around townsites, your options for fox and other feral animal controls are limited. Our...

West Arthur Red Card Fox Shoot
1,2,3 March 2019. 204 foxes, 6 pigs, 4 feral cat and 12 rabbits. 1st Prize with 480 points was The Bandits, 2nd was Steve Wood with 310...

Shooter Workshop, 19th January, 2019
Thanks to Marc Deas and Andrew Gorton for sharing valuable information on shooter safety and accuracy to ensure humane one shot controls.

2018 Upper Blackwood Agricultural Show
Sheila, Jessie, Erlanda, Ade and Andrew taking a break at the very busy Upper Blackwood Show, Melbourne Cup Day, 2018. We took along...

2018 Bridgetown Agricultural Show
24th November, 2018 Another busy Show Day, talking with landholders about their declared pest problems.....mostly foxes, rabbits, feral...