Blackwood Biosecurity welcomes you to become a member!
Are you passionate about biosecurity and protecting our region from plant and animal pests?
Membership of Blackwood Biosecurity Inc.is FREE
If you wish to maintain or commence membership you must complete a Membership Form. BBI Rules of Association require members to apply for and be recorded on a membership register. Anyone wishing to maintain or commence membership need to complete a new membership application form.
Landowners or nominees of landowners can become a member - Any landowner or nominee of a landowner of properties within our operational area are welcome to join as members of the BBI.
Want to nominate for a position on our committee? Give us a call on 0455 522 750 or click here
Types of Membership available
1. Ordinary Member:
Ordinary member is a nominated Landholder that has applied for ordinary membership under Rule 5(2). An ordinary member has only one vote when voting rights are required to be exercised. Ordinary membership is available to one nominated Landholder, or nominee of a landholder, per VEN in the Blackwood Biosecurity Inc (BBI) Operational Area. Membership entitles one vote per VEN and maximum of one vote per member.
2. Associate Member:
Associate member is not required to be a Landholder or nominee of a landholder with the Blackwood Biosecurity Inc (BBI) Area of Management. An Associate member can provide suggestions and input regarding the BBIs operations and activities, however, has no voting rights.
To apply for membership of the organisation, please complete and submit our Membership Application Form: