AusChem Training WA courses are NOT suitable for contractors. Contractors include:
Lawn Mowing Contractors - Jim's Mowing,etc
People employed to maintain golf courses
Main Roads employees
Apprentices studying Landscaping courses
People spraying along pipelines, railways etc
Landscapers – as they spray on other people’s property
anyone spraying on somebody else's land for profit/reward
Contractors need a licence from the Health Department Pesticide Unit and more specialised training. The Health Dept Pesticide Unit will not accept AusChem training for their licences.
Please complete the attached enrolment forms and email them back to the Manjimup Campus. If you would like to be invoiced or pay by credit card we have attached forms for each, please fill out the appropriate form and return it to us with the enrolment forms along with a copy of either;
Drivers Licence,
Birth Certificate,
Concession Card
for proof of identity to secure your enrolment.
For more information about the course please visit the South Regional TAFE website
For other enquiries please phone Blackwood Biosecurity 0455 522 750, or email us at:
AusChem Accreditation Course
Blackwood Biosecurity Inc. is hosting the AusChem Accreditation Course, to be delivered by Manjimup TAFE, in January 2023.
Dates: 24th -25th January 2023
Time: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Venue: Boyup Brook Community Resource Centre
AHCCHM307 - Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
AHCCHM304 - Transport and store chemicals
The cost of this course is $110.00 which includes the AusChem Manual for both concession and non-concession.
Please note that commercial fees may apply to students that are on a visa or have done the units AHCCM307 and AHCCHM304 through South Regional TAFE before - Price will be provided on request.
AusChem Training WA courses are suitable for:
Farmers/Food Producers & employed family members and employees
Employees of the Shire/Councils (not those contracting to a shire)
DPIRD or DBCA employees spraying on DPIRD land
National Resource Management employees spraying on their land (not contract sprayers doing the job)
mine rehabilitation and weed eradication employees where they are spraying on mine land.
AusChem is specific and requires background knowledge of spraying and chemicals before doing it and covers information specific to food producers, which is why you need to be already in the industry.
Upon completion of this course you will then be registered with AusChem WA and entered on their database. AusChem WA will notify you when the 5 year expiry date is coming up so that you can do the AusChem Reaccreditation course which is a 1 day course and the unit you will be enrolled into is AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases. This will accredit you with AusChem WA for another 5 years.
Please see attached Enrolment Form and fees information:
Enrolment Fees Invoice Authorisation
All documentation is to be forwarded to Manjimup TAFE:​
For enrolment enquiries please phone: (08) 6371 3700