Our Vision.
As a community we work together to manage declared pests in our region. We share a common goal to protect land, lifestyle and livelihood for the future. At all times we work with respect, care and professonalism.
Our Mission
To take a leading role in assisting landholders and managers within Blackwood Biosecurity Inc’s Operational area to meet their responsibilities, under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act (2007), to control Declared Plant and Animal Pests on their land.
Our Approach
BBI takes a positive and proactive approach to facilitating declared pest management focused on increasing community awareness of their responsibility to manage their land, achieving on-ground outcomes to compliment the great work the majority of individual landholders are already doing.
Our Role
To plan, promote, support, educate and engage the community in the management of declared pests on their land, within BBI's Operational Area.
​To do this, BBI provides:
Weed and animal pest programmes and plans, site visits, advice, and hands on assistance such as weed spraying, trapping and baiting.
Community workshops adn training
Free for loan best practice pest management equipment
Expert advice
Secure ongoing funding
Declared Pest management can only be successful in a strategic coordinated approach across the whole of the landscape. Communities need to be involved and supported.
Your Role
Being a landholder or land managers responsibility, your role is to manage declared pests of your property.
It is also suggested that you:
Subscribe to our free membership so that we can keep you up to date with news and opportunities.
Become a member of the organsiation. This will give you rights to vote in committee members and for you to nominate to be on the committee.
Follow us on Facebook.
Keep us informed of your pest plant and animal concerns, successes and failures.
Let us know what we can do more of or less of to help you manage declared pests.
Pests don’t respect property boundaries, or Shire boundaries, so we must all work together. Encourage your neighbours to collaborate with you in the their management . Pests don’t respect property boundaries, or Shire boundaries, so we must all work together.
Our History
A call to action to develop a strategic plan to deal directly with declared pest management in the region prompted a public meeting at the Bridgetown Lesser Hall on 12th May, 2014. It was well attended by landholders, community, local government, business, industry, environmental and agricultural groups and Government Agencies.
With seeding funds from DAFWA, Blackwood Environment Society, Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes and Talison Lithium, the Bridgetown-Greenbushes Biosecurity Group was formed, incorporated and established with good governance structures.
At its first annual general meeting in 2015 it changed its name to Blackwood Biosecurity Inc and updated its Constitution to enable it to operate further afield, responding to landholder requests throughout the whole of the Blackwood Valley Catchment.